A Complete Guide to Tooth Contouring!

Tooth contouring, also referred to as enameloplasty or odontoblasts, is a process of cosmetic laser dentistry that involves shaping the teeth and fixing minor flaws that ruin the aesthetic of your smile. It helps remove small parts of the tooth enamel to correct the chipping and cracking of all crookedness in the teeth. This helps in the improvement of the overall appearance of teeth through the usage of specific dental instruments and removal strips. The process does not include much pain, and the patients easily get through it without difficulties.

Eligibility for dental contouring

Dental or tooth contouring is a process unsuitable for every patient or every case of dental imperfection. This is extremely specific, and only certain people qualify for it with small shipping on cracking in the deed, presence of pits in enamel, overly long or pointed teeth, slight misalignment, uneven smiling, etc. Serious dental floss cannot be cured with the help of tooth contouring alone. It requires additional procedures, including the placement of dental crowns, orthodontics, veneers, bonding, etc., for complete treatment. However, patients dealing with cavities with all teeth that are not tight can also face difficulties in getting their teeth reshaped through contouring.

Altering canine teeth

It is one of the most sought-after procedures for changing the overall look of a canine tooth. This helps treat the pointed teeth, also referred to as cuspids. The canine teeth alteration process involves reducing their length by evening them to eliminate the unnecessarily long enamel by grinding process. The process is done by dental health providers or cosmetic dentists in their clinics. The process does not involve much pain. The feeling is done on the outer layer of the teeth, also known as enamel. No nerves are present in this area; therefore, the patient does not experience any difficulties or pain in the process. However, many patients tend to feel slight discomfort that can be eliminated through anesthesia.

The procedure is done with the help of traditional drills and lasers. These instruments help remove the outermost layer of the teeth, and strips are used for evening the teeth after removal.

After contouring the teeth, the tooth is polished to give it a glossy and pleasant look after removing extra enamel. The process is not at all risky, and the patients generally experience successful outcomes.

Contact a dentist

A dentist can be your best guide in telling you about tooth contouring. So, make sure to speak to a dentist today!