Tips for Setting Diet Patterns to Achieve Ideal Body Weight

The most common way to get ideal body weight is diet. However, make sure you have a healthy diet by not skipping meals or only consuming certain foods. The key to diet is balancing the number of calories consumed with the number of calories expended and supplementing the body’s nutritional needs by consuming healthy diet foods. When on a diet, you should not do it carelessly. In order for your diet to be successful, you need to consistently change unhealthy eating habits. In addition, when dieting, you need the right guidelines so that ideal body weight can be obtained. Here are tips on managing your diet to achieve ideal body weight:

Body Weight


1. Calculate Calorie Needs

The first right way to start a diet is to calculate calorie needs. The reason is, everyone has different calorie needs. There are many factors that influence it, ranging from age, daily activities, to health conditions. By paying attention to the number of calories and food for the diet, the body will get the energy it needs.

2. Create a Regular Meal Schedule

In following a healthy diet, avoid skipping meals. The reason is, skipping meals actually makes the body hungry quickly, blood sugar rises and falls drastically, and can trigger stress. In addition, make sure to have breakfast with diet foods that are rich in fiber and protein so that the body is full longer until meal time arrives.

3. Set Meal Portions

If you want a healthy diet, you don’t have to avoid various types of food. Instead, it is enough to adjust the portion of the meal with the principles of balanced nutrition. For example, you could divide your plate into 4 sections consisting of a quarter for meat or protein sources, a quarter for carbohydrates, and the rest for vegetables.

4. Reducing consumption of sugar, salt and fat

Reducing your consumption of sugar, salt and fat is a great way to lose weight. This is because the consumption of sugar, salt and fat is one of the reasons for unhealthy weight gain and the risk of causing health problems. It is better to consume 4 tablespoons of sugar intake per day, 1 teaspoon of salt per day, and 5 tablespoons of fat per day.

5. Change Snacking Habits

Even though you are on a diet, of course you are still allowed to snack to meet daily nutrition. However, avoid snacks that contain high fat, salt or sugar, such as fried foods, candy or packaged chips. That way, you can change your snacking habits by trying to eat healthy diet foods.